Wednesday, February 26, 2014

February 26

What are three things you learned about color theory and web design  yesterday? Go in to detail.

Yesterday I learned new color schemes. I knew some from my middle school art class but I hadn't learned about Triad or Tetrad. These were knew to me and I like these schemes a lot because they allow for more colors to be used. I also learned about the different types of colorblindness. Before I knew there was red-green and some other type ( I didn't know its name.) I learned about Blue and the other types of colorblindness. I also learned about colors on computers, and the 256 colors that are "web-safe".

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

February 25

What effect can a color scheme have on a website? How can it make a website better? How can it make a website worse? Explain why color is important.

Color schemes are important to websites because they add to them. People aren't going to want to stay on a website that is dull and boring. Color schemes bring the website to life and keep people interested, entertained, and if they happen to stumble upon it, they might even stay on it and explore. It can hurt a website by not attracting and pulling viewers into it. It may also lose viewers if it's not lively.

Monday, February 24, 2014

February 24th

What did you learn about file types as you created and designed your travel website? What are some other kinds of file types you know of? What do these different files do? Explain.

As I created the travel site I learned new file types, for example: .png and .psd. Others I know of are photos saved to a computer are usually .jpg's and .gif's are little videos. Different file types do different things and function in different ways..pdf's are used for pdf files usually opened in programs like Adobe Reader. I know that each file type is helpful in creating and using different programs and web browsers.

Friday, February 21, 2014

February 21

What was your takeaway from this Travel Site? What did you learn that you didn't know before? How will the knowledge of how we built this site help you improve your future websites?

The travel site was super helpful. I learned how to use Photoshop after playing with it a bit. I haven't used Photoshop before so it was nice to learn. It will help me in future web site endeavors to use photo editing before I use the pictures. I also like the use of div tags. They were very helpful and seemed much neater than text boxes. In the future I can used Photoshop to edit my photos and I can use div tags instead of text boxes. This so far was my favorite web site because I learned a ton more than I have on previous web sites.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February 18th

How can Photoshop be a valuable tool in web design? Explain.

Photoshop can very valuable in web design.Photoshop allows you to edit, create, and change photos and images. This can be useful to making interesting web sites and web pages. It can help draw in a viewer and keep them on the web site longer. Overall, Photoshop can turn a plain web site into an interesting one that people will want to read and explore.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

February 11th

What do you know about Photoshop? Have you used it before? What can it do? Are you an expert? A newbie? Tell me about your background and what you already know.

I know that Photoshop is a picture editing tool that you can use to crop, size, color, and distort images. Other than that I don't know much. I have used it probably once; thus, I'm a newbie. I used it during middle school computers, probably sixth grade. It was a very looong time ago. I have used other photo editing software so hopefully this doesn't seem too new to me.

Friday, February 7, 2014

February 7th

Think about how a user (me or anyone else using your site) might function and interact with your site. What are some important functional features to make your website easy to work with? How can you make it easier for the user and not frustrating? Explain why this is so important.

The navigation bar makes it very easy for someone to work with my website. Instead of having a user to search all over the page to look for links to other pages, they instead just have it large and underlined at the top of the page. Ways to make it easier is to make the link stand out: bigger fonts, change in color, and underlined links will all do this. It's important because if your website is not easy to navigate, people might stop using it.

Monday, February 3, 2014

February 3rd

Tell me about your Sweetheart weekend. If you didn't go to Sweetheart, what did you do? I want details! 

Saturday, I spent all day shopping for food for a Super Bowl Party. Then I got ready for Sweetheart. We were going to go to BD's Mongolian Barbecue for dinner, but the roads were bad so we went to Applebee's instead (I never thought that I would wear a suit into Applebee's.) Then we went to the dance. Afterwards we went to my friend's house and watched The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. I fell asleep though, but I had already seen it so I didn't miss much. Sunday I volunteered at my Sunday School. Then I went home and helped cook food. I also took stuff over to my grandparent's house which is where the party was (their house is large.) Then we had the Super Bowl Party and then I went home and slept.