Monday, May 5, 2014

Cinco De Mayo

I agree mostly with this video that social media and technology is taking away our lives. This goes without saying that it takes away from actually being social at all. People would much rather talk on Facebook or Twitter than they would with that same person in actuality. However, I disagree with the part that it can take your whole life away. Yes, you may miss an opportunity to find someone like at the end if he hadn't had his phone, yet there are infinite amounts of ways for people to meet someone that they spend their life with. I also find it ironic that his message is being sent through a social media site when his whole message is against it. Furthermore, it is also ironic that our responses are being typed up onto a "social site". But, yes, I do agree that when it comes to technology the word "social" actually means the exact opposite of its name and its intentions.